
About Engineering Operations

The professional home for Software Delivery Leaders

Welcome to Engineering Operations, the best destination for those passionate about optimizing software delivery. We are a thriving community of professionals dedicated to advancing the field through collaboration, knowledge sharing, and continuous improvement. 


Our vision is to cultivate a thriving community where engineering operations professionals, VP’s of engineering, and process enthusiasts can connect, learn, and grow. We strive to be the premier platform for sharing best practices, innovative ideas, and actionable insights that drive engineering excellence.

By fostering collaboration and providing access to valuable resources, we empower our members to optimize their workflows, improve team performance, and achieve outstanding results. We envision a future where our platform serves as a catalyst for continuous improvement, enabling individuals and organizations to unlock their full potential and shape the future of engineering.

Our mission is to empower engineering operations professionals, VP’s of engineering, and process enthusiasts with the knowledge, resources, and community they need to excel in their roles. We are dedicated to providing a platform where members can connect, collaborate, and share insights that drive innovation and continuous improvement. Through curated content, educational resources, and networking opportunities, we strive to equip our community with the tools they need to stay at the forefront of industry trends and best practices.

By fostering a culture of learning and growth, we aim to empower individuals and companies to continuously evolve their Engineering Operations practices. We are committed to providing a supportive environment where members can exchange ideas, tackle challenges, and unlock their full potential. 



Raise Awareness

Raise Awareness across Software Delivery Eco System

Set Industry Standard

Set Industry Standard on Methodology and best practices

Expand and facilitate growth

Expand the number of  professionals and facilitate professional growth 

Create professional Synergy

Create Synergy and collaborations among community members



We aim to provide the full experience to create the best impact


We do things the best way we can.

Continous Improvement

We don’t make mistakes, we learn. All the time.


We bring value with true passion and enjoying the ride

Our Advisory Board

Danny Shapiro

VP of Product & Engineering Ops

Michal Dery Samana

Head of Product & Engineering Ops

Yair Lavi

Head of Infrastructure Ops

Keren Hacohen Zada

VP Engineering

Shomron Koush

Head of Business Ops

Yishai Beeri

Linear B

The Team

Gabriela Nir

CEO and Founder

Shira Shohet

Head of Academy

Adi Perel Ziso

Head of Marketing

Shir Dekel

Head of Community

Almog Regev

Community Lead

Batya Mayer

Head of Global Community

Bar Zelikovich

Head of TPM Core Graduate Community

Reut Rinot

Head of TPM Core Graduate Community

Yuval Knafo

TPM Core Operations